How to cancel an All Access Subscription
It is not Agave handling the payment but the payment platform (Google Play, App Store) you subscribed with. All subscriptions have to be cancelled where purchased.
Important: uninstalling the app or closing your account will not automatically stop your subscription–you must cancel the subscription.
The subscription you’ve already purchased remains active until it reaches its expiry date, even if you cancel it right after the purchase. For example, if you purchase a 1 week subscription and then choose to cancel it on day 2, the subscription will remain active until the end of the 1 week period. Then it will stop working.
Depending on the payment method you’ve used, there are different ways of cancelling your subscription:
1) iTunes: Your subscription can only be cancelled on your iTunes account by following these instructions: Apple Instructions
NOTE: We can’t cancel your iTunes subscription for Agave All Access subscription as Apple does not give us access to your payment data. If you don’t have the access to your iTunes account, you’ll have to contact Apple Support.
Please make sure to log into the correct iTunes account. If you can’t see the cancel button in iTunes, either you don’t have an active auto-renewing subscription (it might already have been cancelled), or you’re not logged into the correct iTunes account.
2) Google Play: Log into your Google Play account using the same account you used to purchase Agave and follow the instructions provided by Google.
NOTE: Please make sure to log into the correct Google account. If you can’t see the cancel button in Google that either means you don’t have an active auto-renewing subscription (it might already have been cancelled), or you’re not logged into the correct Google account.
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